Baishun's Space

Flutter Screencast

By Baishun on Mar 6, 2021
use flutter to write a screen cast


Nowadays castscreen from a phone to a TV is pretty easy, you can use chrome-cast to handle most of android-devices(except these tvs of China). But sometimes you need to use DLNA protocol.

tips: in China, you can also use lelink sdk(

so today we will use DLNA protocol to cast videos to an android TV.

to know more about DLNA, please read DLNA conception.

Pros and cons of using DLNA protocol


  • no cost, except time and brain
  • as DLNA is an open-source protocol, it is supported by most of the TVs


  • different device maybe have different configurations and commands
  • write a lot of code( compared to other chrome/lelink sdk)
  • maybe hard to debug


1. search devices

To search a DLNA device, we need to use Simple Service Discovery Protocol(ssdp), which is a UDP protocol.

The code is like this:

final socket = await RawDatagramSocket.bind(address, port);

socket.listen((event) {
    if (event == {
    final packet = socket.receive();

    if (packet == null) return;

    final data = utf8.decode(;
    final headers = data.split('\r\n');

    if (headers.indexWhere((e) => e.contains('HTTP/1.1 200 OK')) == -1) {


in the code above, address is an InternetAddress type, we use a function to get it:

InternetAddress _getBroadcastAddress(InternetAddressType addressType) {
    switch (addressType) {
      case InternetAddressType.IPv4:
        return InternetAddress.anyIPv4;
      case InternetAddressType.IPv6:
        return InternetAddress.anyIPv6;
        throw ArgumentError("Internet Address Type not valid");

this means we will bind to any ipv4 or ipv6 address.

to be continued…

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