Nowadays castscreen from a phone to a TV is pretty easy, you can use chrome-cast to handle most of android-devices(except these tvs of China). But sometimes you need to use DLNA protocol.
tips: in China, you can also use lelink sdk(https://cloud.hpplay.cn/)
so today we will use DLNA protocol to cast videos to an android TV.
to know more about DLNA, please read DLNA conception.
To search a DLNA device, we need to use Simple Service Discovery Protocol(ssdp), which is a UDP protocol.
The code is like this:
final socket = await RawDatagramSocket.bind(address, port);
socket.listen((event) {
if (event == RawSocketEvent.read) {
final packet = socket.receive();
if (packet == null) return;
final data = utf8.decode(packet.data);
final headers = data.split('\r\n');
if (headers.indexWhere((e) => e.contains('HTTP/1.1 200 OK')) == -1) {
in the code above, address
is an InternetAddress type, we use a function to get it:
InternetAddress _getBroadcastAddress(InternetAddressType addressType) {
switch (addressType) {
case InternetAddressType.IPv4:
return InternetAddress.anyIPv4;
case InternetAddressType.IPv6:
return InternetAddress.anyIPv6;
throw ArgumentError("Internet Address Type not valid");
this means we will bind to any ipv4 or ipv6 address.