Baishun's Space

Use nginx to handle auth request

By Baishun on Feb 13, 2022
nginx auth requests

Nginx secure linke module is a good idea to make a request security, but sometimes it’s not enough, that’s why we need to use other modules, such as Njs module.

step 1: install njs module for nginx

please visit the official website njs

step 2: turn on njs module

above http config:

load_module modules/;

step 3: set auth request location

location = /authcheck {
        js_content utils.auth;
location /tv/ {
    auth_request /validate;# if return 200, request will pass, else will stopped
    alias /img/;
location /validate {
    set $query '';
    if ($request_uri ~* "([^\?]+)\?(.*)$") {
        # sometimes you also need uri
        set $query "uri=$1&$2";

step 4: write js scripts

function auth(r) {
    // A request maybe like this
    // You can write any methods you want
    var secret = 'mysecret';
    var security_string_from_frontend = r.args.security_string_from_frontend;
    var etime = security_string_from_frontend.substring(8);
    var uri = r.args.uri;
    var correctUpt = require('crypto').createHash('md5').update(`${secret}${etime}${uri}`).digest("hex").substring(12, 20) + etime;// this is an example, you can have you own security methods
    if (security_string_from_frontend != correctUpt) {
            // to make error, remove this in production
            security_string_from_frontend: security_string_from_frontend,
            etime: etime,
            uri: uri,
            correctUpt: correctUpt,
    } else {
        r.return(200);// passed
export default { auth }

that’s all.

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