Baishun's Space

Some Psql command

By Baishun on May 8, 2022
postgre sql

Below are some useful postgre sql commands:

  • Connect to a Database: “psql -d db_name -U user_name”.
  • Check Postgres Version: “SELECT VERSION();”.
  • List All Databases: “\l”.
  • Access or Switch a Database: “\c db_name”.
  • List All Tables: “\dt”.
  • Describe All Tables: “\d”.
  • Describe a Specific Table: “\d tab_name”.
  • List All Schemas: “\dn”.
  • List All Views: “\dv”.
  • List All Functions: “\df”.
  • List All Users: “\du”.
  • Show Commands History: “\s”
  • Save Query’s Results to a Specific File: “\o file_name”.
  • Run psql Commands/queries From a Particular File: “\i file_name”.
  • Execute Previous Command: “\g”.
  • Show Query Execution Time: “\timing”.
  • Get Output in HTML Format: “\H”.
  • Align Columns Output: “\a”.
  • Get Help: “\h”.
  • Get All psql Commands: “?”.
  • Clear Screen: “! cls”.
  • Quit psql: “\q”.
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