Baishun's Space

Google Signin Token Used Too Early

By Baishun on Mar 5, 2024
google signin

In A Glance

make sure the time is synced with internet with ntp service.

This is to record how I solve the problem Token used too early when use google signin with nodejs.

One day when I introduce one of my apps to my friend, he told me signin with google doesn’t work, after check the error, I found when my backend verify the token from the client, google sdk throwed an error:

Token used too early, 1709564310.405 < 1709564838: {"iss":"","azp":"","aud":"","sub":"xxxxxxxxx","email":"","email_verified":true,"at_hash":"xxxxxxxxx","nonce":"xxxxxxxxxx","name":"Bai Lee","picture":"https://xxxxxxxxxx","given_name":"Bai","family_name":"Lee","locale":"zh-CN","iat":xxxxx,"exp":1709568738}


After a little search, I found we have this topic on stackoverflow .

The answer told us we could add clock_skew_in_seconds to our verify method to tell google the time issue.But I found in nodejs library, which is google-auth-library, doesn’t have this parameter.

Then I checked the time on my server with date command. It shows the error time, which is a hour later than the internet time. So I think to sync the time with internet maybe help, and it really helped!

The solution is this page .Just install ntp service and make sure the time is synced.

That’s It!

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